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Hot New Lines

As your dedicated new age wholesale supplier, we are continuously working hard to bring you new and improved items to stock your store. We are working with many different creative artists and lines to offer new products and product categories. There are well over 3500 items in this section of lines that we rep. These CANNOT BE MIXED with Crystal Peddler products to meet a Crystal Peddler minimum as these items will be shipped from DIFFERENT LOCATIONSINDIVIDUAL MINIMUMS must be met for our Hot New Lines items in this section.

Andes Fair Trade-Peruvian Fair Trade....LaDira-Hand-made Candles & Soaps
AngelStar-All angel items imaginable...Spirit Animals-Hand-Painted Miniatures
EcoSmart Designs-Story Carded Jewelry.....Glass Rhapsody-Hand Blown Glass
ZappoBz-Hand-painted Lamps, Curtains....Dragons Eye-Incense, Oils
Whether you are interested in our sage herbals or our wholesale chime candles, we strive to offer unique and timeless treasures. We are proud to be a national distributor of unique crystals, new age items, meditation products, fair trade crafts, and more. If you are interested in learning more about our company or you would like to know more about our amazing new items, contact us today at 1-800-827-3223.